Safer Gambling

Help & Advice

You may want to seek some advice and support and the following entails information on support and advice services.

If you (or someone you’re concerned about) have a problem with gambling, be assured that there’s support available. TalkBanStop for instance, a partnership between GamCare, Gamban and GAMSTOP assists individuals experiencing gambling harm in starting their recovery journey.


GamCare operate the National Gambling Helpline and remains the first port of call for anyone experiencing problems with gambling. GamCare’s fully-trained advisers provide confidential advice, information and support to anyone experiencing a gambling problem, as well as to affected others. GamCare’s advisers take calls over the phone as well as through a secure chat system. The service is confidential and is available 24/7.

National Gambling Helpline 0808 8020 133

Gambling Therapy

Global online support service for people who have been adversely affected by gambling. Our team of expert advisers deliver effective support via:

  • A text based Live Advice Helpline
  • A wide variety of online groups and forums
  • Confidential advice by e-mail
  • Information database on local resources around the world

Gamblers Anonymous UK

This site offers various help for the compulsive gambler including a Forum, Chat Room, Literature and of course most importantly a meeting finder.

Meetings are the core of Gamblers Anonymous and they have meetings every day of the week throughout the UK

Gordon Moody Association

Gordon Moody Association offers a unique and intensive residential treatment programme in the UK for those gamblers most severely addicted.

To apply for a position please complete the online form on:

National Debtline

Offers advice and support to enable callers to deal with their debts in a proactive and informed way. Self-help information packs are sent free to individuals with debt problems.

Helpline 08088 084000


Established by the Responsibility in Gambling Trust to provide advice and information about responsible gambling.

On this website, you'll find advice and get access to free, confidential help by phone or online. You can learn about how gambling works, check if you or someone you know may have a gambling problem, and find tips on how to stay in control.

Money Helper Service

The Money Helper Service is an independent service which gives free, unbiased money advice to everyone across the UK – online, over the phone and face to face.

Tel 0800 138 7777

Safer Gambling


Most people gamble for fun and enjoyment. However, some people think of gambling as a way to make money, spend more than they can afford, or use gambling to distract themselves from everyday problems.

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National Exclusion Scheme

SENSE allows people who believe they have a problem with their gambling to voluntarily enroll in a scheme to exclude themselves nationally from all land-based casinos in the Great Britain.

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Help & Advice

You may want to seek some advice and support and the following entails information on support and advice services.

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Corporate Compliance Statement

The Aspers Group is committed to conducting its business with integrity and to adopting respectable and ethical standards, acting across its business interests with due care and diligence. The Company is committed to compliance with the Gambling Act 2005, the Gambling Commission’s Licence conditions and Codes of Practice, the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations 2017 and the Licensing Act 2003.

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Getting to Know you Better

As an ethical casino operator, Aspers aims to create safer gambling environments for all of its customers.

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